AS216071 Servers Tech Fzco, page 3

Spam statistics of AS216071 Servers Tech Fzco

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Arab Emirates644 086Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-3 99149612.43%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
13 8353 011

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS216071

Owner of AS216071

The owner information for AS216071 is not specified in the available public data. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are generally allocated to entities such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large organizations, or academic institutions that manage their own network infrastructure.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS216071's owner is also not publicly detailed. Owners of ASNs typically engage in activities related to managing internet connectivity and routing for their networks, ensuring network security, and optimizing data flow efficiency.

Establishment of AS216071

The establishment date of AS216071 does not appear in the public WHOIS records or other easily accessible sources. ASN registration dates require access to specific databases that contain registry information.

Use of AS216071 by Hackers or Spammers

According to the data on, as of the last check, there have been no reports of malicious activities such as hacking or spamming originating from AS216071. CleanTalk provides a blacklist database that monitors various IPs and ASNs for such activities, and the lack of reports suggests that AS216071 has not been associated with any known malicious intent.

It is important to note that the absence of reported incidents on this platform does not guarantee that the network is free from abuse, but it reflects that there have been no significant events detected or reported to this service.

WhoIs AS216071


SPAM active IP addresses in AS216071 Servers Tech Fzco

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 16:35:252024-09-19 23:05:33388 20:55:312024-09-19 23:00:273039
346.149.74.2242024-05-10 09:40:332024-09-19 23:00:273046
446.149.74.2342024-05-14 19:25:292024-09-14 01:01:433394
546.149.75.862024-05-14 21:50:352024-09-19 23:00:273432
646.149.75.1272023-10-04 01:31:022024-09-18 12:28:564595
746.151.24.1482024-01-30 18:36:262024-09-19 21:30:50248
846.151.27.1932024-01-30 20:06:102024-09-19 22:05:391837
946.151.28.712024-07-31 16:50:402024-09-10 18:28:53197
1062.84.98.1622021-06-25 16:26:272024-09-17 03:35:26347
1162.84.99.2062024-09-10 16:31:252024-09-19 22:30:29397
1262.84.108.1122024-01-20 00:46:542024-09-19 22:45:38136
1377.238.225.102024-07-05 17:00:432024-09-15 02:28:5671
1477.238.225.412024-09-10 17:10:352024-09-19 23:05:18366
1577.238.227.1032024-09-10 16:55:292024-09-19 22:55:18404
1677.238.227.1292024-09-10 17:10:352024-09-19 22:55:18351
1777.238.229.1002024-09-10 16:25:322024-09-19 23:05:18427
1877.238.230.1362024-09-10 16:55:292024-09-19 23:00:27358
1977.238.233.372024-08-12 09:10:332024-09-08 20:28:5674
2077.238.233.1242024-09-11 01:55:312024-09-11 16:10:3730
2177.238.235.422024-08-21 11:55:282024-09-09 22:28:53115
2277.238.237.382024-03-12 19:57:222024-09-19 23:00:271377
2377.238.241.962024-08-28 20:10:342024-09-18 16:28:5511
2477.238.246.372024-04-04 22:16:492024-09-19 22:15:371417
2577.238.246.1542024-07-02 03:55:302024-09-19 22:20:271139
2677.238.249.1672024-08-12 18:50:372024-09-17 18:28:561586
2777.238.250.1972024-08-27 17:50:352024-09-10 00:28:55281
2877.238.251.2122024-08-23 03:05:252024-09-19 20:31:32463
2977.246.96.1472024-08-01 14:34:192024-09-19 22:35:31259
3077.246.99.2002024-09-02 13:55:212024-09-19 21:40:30217

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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