Spam statistics of AS37105 RAIN-GROUP-HOLDINGS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Africa41 749Public
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 5181606.35%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS37105

Owner of AS37105

The owner of AS37105 is Neology (Pty) Ltd, which is a company that operates in the Information and Communications Technology sector.

Main Operational Activity

Neology (Pty) Ltd specializes in offering ICT solutions, including Internet services, data management, and other related services to its customers.

Establishment of AS37105

The specific establishment date of AS37105 isn't publicly listed in general AS information databases. For the exact date, one would typically have to refer to the records of the Regional Internet Registry responsible for the region in which the AS operates or directly contact the owning organization.

Malicious Use of AS37105

While any autonomous system can potentially be abused by hackers or spammers, as of my last update, there are no prominent public reports suggesting that AS37105 has been widely used with malicious intent. However, for the most current details regarding any potential abuse emanating from AS37105, you should consult real-time security databases such as CleanTalk.

Based on the information available at CleanTalk, it appears that there are no significant issues or widespread abuse reported from AS37105 that could indicate a pattern of malicious activity such as hacking or spamming.

WhoIs AS37105


SPAM active IP addresses in AS37105 RAIN-GROUP-HOLDINGS

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 11:35:212024-11-07 20:29:037 15:06:052024-10-31 12:40:334
341.216.203.702022-01-19 18:07:282024-11-11 18:10:464
441.216.204.22021-10-08 12:50:572024-11-01 20:00:315
541.216.204.332022-10-26 20:50:472024-11-09 12:05:296
6197.184.176.312021-12-30 11:32:142024-11-09 06:15:243
7197.184.180.1542021-12-04 16:01:322024-11-12 04:55:246
8197.184.181.1182022-02-05 04:29:252024-11-05 03:10:273

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
181197.185.160.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
182197.185.168.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
183197.185.176.0/22South Africa1024400.00%
184197.185.180.0/22South Africa1024400.00%
185197.185.188.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
186197.185.196.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
187197.185.200.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
188197.185.208.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
189197.185.212.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
190197.185.220.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
191197.185.224.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
192197.185.228.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
193197.185.240.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
194197.185.244.0/22South Africa1024100.00%
195197.185.252.0/22South Africa1024200.00%

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