AS60068 Datacamp Limited

Spam statistics of AS60068 Datacamp Limited

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom28919 243Paid VPN, Hosting, good_bots, pay_system
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-7 5261 32617.62%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
30 7441 193

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS60068

Ownership of AS60068

AS60068 is owned by Datacamp Limited. Datacamp Limited is a company that provides various internet services, including hosting solutions and data transmission services.

Main Operational Activity of Datacamp Limited

The main operational activity of Datacamp Limited, the owner of AS60068, revolves around providing internet infrastructure services. This includes dedicated servers, colocation, and IP transit solutions primarily focused on serving the European market.

Establishment of AS60068

The exact date when AS60068 was established is not publicly disclosed in this context. Autonomous System (AS) numbers are typically allocated to entities by regional internet registries over time as they develop their network infrastructure.

Malicious Use of AS60068

While any network can potentially be abused, there is no specific information provided here about hackers or spammers using AS60068 with malicious intent. It is important for network operators to monitor and address any abuse to maintain the integrity and security of their services.

As for the details from external sources such as CleanTalk, direct access to those details requires following their link, which cannot be provided in this format. However, it is worth noting that organizations like CleanTalk offer services to check various AS numbers for spam activities or other malicious behaviors reported by users worldwide.

WhoIs AS60068


SPAM active IP addresses in AS60068 Datacamp Limited

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 14:20:362024-09-06 01:22:009 20:58:012024-09-08 14:28:56127
379.127.231.1752024-06-18 18:25:342024-09-15 12:28:5782
479.127.231.1872024-06-28 21:00:592024-09-09 21:20:363
584.17.34.452020-05-24 19:04:012024-09-19 08:30:4245
684.17.34.472020-08-09 17:41:562024-09-18 16:15:4386
784.17.34.1042021-09-26 23:41:092024-09-13 10:01:396
884.17.35.372020-05-24 14:10:472024-09-17 17:25:44952
984.17.35.402020-05-12 15:54:022024-09-05 19:40:33157
1084.17.35.672020-05-12 02:11:142024-09-14 02:10:3553
1184.17.35.692020-05-05 23:33:232024-09-11 01:50:37113
1284.17.35.722020-04-16 19:02:152024-09-11 02:30:3942
1384.17.35.742020-04-25 20:24:462024-09-15 10:30:4061
1484.17.35.772021-12-10 02:44:032024-09-15 19:30:5436
1584.17.35.792021-11-17 04:04:072024-09-18 01:25:2955
1684.17.35.822020-04-16 17:53:032024-09-13 06:55:2489
1784.17.35.842020-05-02 08:34:082024-09-17 11:25:46115
1884.17.35.1022020-10-14 22:40:562024-09-15 03:30:3663
1984.17.35.1042021-04-29 13:00:562024-09-08 01:50:4991
2084.17.35.1072021-05-31 20:10:582024-09-11 05:55:2723
2184.17.35.1092020-10-18 14:10:592024-09-18 08:25:3262
2284.17.35.1122020-10-25 16:36:372024-09-14 22:30:43104
2384.17.35.1142021-11-27 00:22:012024-09-19 06:05:3428
2484.17.35.1172023-09-08 02:50:222024-09-18 21:15:3119
2584.17.35.1192023-03-14 18:21:552024-09-05 14:15:4042
2684.17.37.732023-11-13 05:15:202024-09-11 20:35:3025
2784.17.37.772020-03-17 05:39:462024-09-06 16:50:429
2884.17.37.872020-06-09 20:51:372024-09-11 07:10:36141
2984.17.37.2172023-01-25 03:55:592024-09-11 21:25:325
3084.17.37.2272020-12-08 14:39:052024-09-18 19:15:309

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1212.102.32.0/19United States8192317898512.00%
384.17.32.0/19United States819229796708.00%
4143.244.48.0/22United States102476119319.00%
5156.146.56.0/22United States102444914814.00%
6143.244.36.0/22United Kingdom102458412612.00%
8138.199.28.0/22United Kingdom10245009810.00%
10156.146.44.0/22Hong Kong SAR China1024396848.00%
1489.187.176.0/22United States1024383666.00%
17156.146.36.0/24United States2561675120.00%
18178.249.208.0/21Hong Kong SAR China2048394502.00%
19138.199.8.0/22United States1024218495.00%
2289.187.180.0/22United States1024248414.00%
24138.199.8.0/23United States512120377.00%
28195.181.168.0/23United States512188367.00%

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